God’s Little Nudges

I’m short! Yes, I said it, I’m petite! At birth, my stats were 5.0 pounds and 18.5 inches long. In baby terms, that’s nothing to be concerned about, most babies appear tiny. So why am I focused on this now? Well, just yesterday, I learned that I have shrunk! According to the gal who did the measuring, I have lost 1.5 inches, bringing my new height down to 4 feet 9 inches! Of course, that hiked up (pun intended) the BMI, so now I have a new challenge ahead of me.

I know that none of that is earth shattering news, however what happened next, is worth sharing. In the moments following, I had the opportunity for a little quiet time, and I went straight to God for clarity. Not that this new height is detrimental to my health, but I needed to check in and discern if God was trying to tell me or show me something through this experience.

Sure enough! As I entered a prayerful resting state, God brought to mind a scripture verse. Though it was familiar, it is not one I typically pray with; until now.

“He must increase, but I must decrease”

John 3:30 NRSV

I chuckled at the timing of this verse because I had actually decreased. Taking a moment to laugh, I brought myself into focused prayer hoping to find the message hidden within God’s sense of humor. I considered what it was God might be guiding me toward and knew I needed to give a quick examination of my life in its current state.

Photo by Wallace Chuck on Pexels.com

Perhaps, God is giving me a gentle reminder that He is to be in charge. I reflected on recent moments when I might have acted in haste without consulting the source of my blessings. I studied the days that disappeared due to being overly busy. In surveying them, I wondered if I had placed Jesus before all else.

In the verses before John 3:30, John the Baptist describes the joy he feels when he announces that Jesus is more than he. I placed myself at that moment and felt the awe-inspiring joy as I gave way to Jesus being front and center. “I can do this!” I whispered.

The lesson in this experience, which I believe God sent to my heart, is to slow down my pace and enjoy all the moments with God at my side—knowing that He is always one step ahead and will never guide me into anything He has not designed. 

I love the fact that God knows how to get my attention with humor. That is not always the case, but my spirit has learned when He is nudging me. This time, God approached me through a silly tiny nudge, rich with His Truth and Wisdom.

As I type this post, I am inspired by a song titled Just As I Am. For me, this song speaks to the presence of God as mightier than I. Take a listen and enjoy.

I’d love for you to share your experience or time when God used a strange circumstance to get your attention. Post in the comments section below.


Kimberly (Courageous Butterfly)

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The Fire Inside Me

runningTomorrow I run!  My first 5K of the season and third all time.  I’m no Forrest Gump but I will do my best.  The path is unknown I will have to look for the route markers and stay the course.  I will need to delve deep into my energy reserves, focus on my breathing, concentrate on my surroundings, and eventually cross the finish line.   If you close your  eyes and repeat the italicized text,  I promise you can apply that to any life experience.

Being emotional in public can be awkward but when I run no one really notices.  Could be the wind or the sun in my eyes.  So why do I cry when I run?  I asked myself that same question the first time my purple shoes hit the pavement.  I answered the question as I crossed the finish line.


Reaching a goal no matter how small can be food enough to fill your soul for a lifetime.  Nearly 8 years go I had a fire lit inside me and at the time I had no idea where it was going to take me.  I did not know that it was meant to prepare me for the struggle ahead.  I didn’t have a plotted route, or even a clue of what I was about to face.  Reflecting on it now, I am certain the opportunity that was placed in my hands and lit the fire, was the gift of strength.   Something I had not yet possessed.

I have two caterpillars in little cups beginning to shed into the chrysalis.  Every day I watch their activity and I don’t have to wonder what that struggle feels like, because the human struggle is the same.  The caterpillar does not know that The path is unknown and will have to look for the route markers and stay the course;  will need to delve deep into energy reserves, focus on breathing, concentrate on surroundings, and eventually cross the finish line into complete transformation.chrysalis-wide

After the struggle, accomplishment will become its focus.  The beauty it represents will be appreciated by many and its inner light will shine bright!

I won’t be completely transformed when I cross the finish line tomorrow.  I still have many more runs to complete, each one adding fuel to my fire.

Can you compare a struggle to that of a caterpillar?  Please share in comments.

Shine your light bright!

Courageous Butterfly



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2017 Walk Up and Finish

new-year_resolutions_listI’m still trying to accomplish what I wanted for 2016 and now it is time to make another list, it seemed a bit overwhelming to me.  Looking back on my year, I lost weight, and then gained some back.  I saved some money, then spent more.  Most times life enjoyed me, and I was just along for the ride.


According to many sites on the internet, the top five 2016 New Year’s resolutions are:

  1. Enjoy life to the fullest 2. Live a healthier lifestyle 3. Lose weight  4. Spend more time with family and friends  5. Save more, spend less

Sounds easy enough, but tomorrow, most of us will realize we may have only carried out one or two of them.  With a  little help from family, friends and champagne we will make our list for 2017 with every intention of carrying it out.

A friend of mine sent me an idea for New Year’s Eve.  Fill a jar with 10 goals, good things you want to have happen.  In exactly one year, empty it, and see what was achieved.  My response was “OK, but I might be really pissed off in a year!”

This being the last working day of the year, I was focused on getting my mind prepared for my work day, going through my schedule step by step and only paying attention to my thoughts and the traffic.  I had about 10 minutes left on my drive when I finally relaxed my thinking enough to hear what was on the radio.  The traffic report was finally in my favor and I felt myself smile because I was NOT going to be late to work today!  I noticed a light snow begin to come down, the wind slightly increased and then a song came on and I found myself suddenly relaxed.

Have you ever heard a poem, or words from a book or movie that just feel like they are reaching into your soul and squeezing it?  The lyrics I heard this morning were like a whisper to my heart in such a way that tears were immediate.

I could attach a part of my life to each one, some good  and some bad and I felt relieved. I was comforted in the fact knowing that I get to re-set my clock this weekend.  I feel secure enough to be proud of what I have accomplished this year and at the same time courageous enough to reach for more in the coming year.

Today’s timing could not be more perfect, with the new year on the horizon, it was almost like being hit by a lightening bolt; and it brought insight to my thoughts about this past year.  Was I on track? Yes I was on MY track.  I was just where I needed to be.  I may not have accomplished every goal but I did reach some that were never set in the first place.

If I look at the top 5 again I would answer this way:

1.  Enjoy life to the fullest? Yes, I took a trip out-of-state to spend time with a woman whom I never met but who meant the world to me.
2. Live a healthier lifestyle? Yes, I joined a gym hired a personal trainer and not only ran my first 5K but two of them!
3. Lose weight? Yes, even though I put some back on, I still lost enough to motivate me to continue.
4. Spend more time with family and friends?  Yes, I was blessed to have spent three weeks with a cousin from Australia that I had never met, and I have re-kindled a friendship from my childhood.
5. Save more, spend less? Well, if making a budget and sharing expenses counts as saving then yes! As far as spending less….go back to #1 enjoying life to the fullest.breast-cancer-5k-2

What I initially thought were setbacks,this year were just nudges in a different direction bringing me closer to my best life.  For me this song is my 2017 walk up song, you know like when a baseball player is going to bat, or a runner crossing the finish line.

I will share the song with you in the hopes that it will also reach someone out there who may be looking for their song to close out 2016 and welcome 2017 with open arms.

The song is called “One Step Away” by Casting Crowns.  The verse that really called to me is below.  (click and it will take you to the entire song)

Lay down, lay down your old chains
Come now, and take up your new name
Your best life up ahead now
You’re one step away

Have a Blessed and Happy New Year!!!  Got your song ready? please share in the comments


Courageous Butterfly


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