The Eclipse and The Bible

“See if you can create a prayer out of your reading. A prayer that lifts your heart to praise for the wonders of our universe and the many other universes “out there.” You will find yourself charged with joy if you do this. It’s almost as if star dust was sprinkled all over you!!!” (excerpt from In All Things Charity)

Sharing this wonderful article just in time!

New Year…New Gifts

Happy New Year Everyone! I am so grateful for the gift I have of being able to act on my passion for writing for God’s Glory! Each December, as the new year approaches, I reflect on my “word of the year” and how God used it to inspire my writing, thoughts, and actions.

In 2023, my word was Blessing. God certainly delivered blessings upon me in so many different ways. Family interactions, conversations I had in sharing Bella’s Beautiful Miracle, meeting new friends, and reflective time spent strengthening my relationship with Jesus. Those connections provided me with a beautiful list of writing prompts and topics for discussion. Some of which were directly inspired by family or friends. In other instances, I knew the Holy Spirit was the catalyst in developing specific articles.

The year wasn’t perfect; Jesus said we would endure tribulation. (“I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”) John 16:23 NIV.

The blessing in each moment of difficulty was that God saw me through. I had moments where I surprised myself by going above and beyond what I thought I could handle, allowing God into the moment, and finishing strong! I also had moments when I thought I knew better than God, did what I wanted, and fell flat on my face. The blessing was that God held my hand in the good and lifted me when I fell.

When I choose a word for the year, I connect it to a song or prayer. In 2023, my selected song was I’m So Blessed, by Cain. A song that not only reminds you to see the blessings in everything, but the upbeat rhythm also gets you up and dancing!

All in all, my word for 2023 was a great reminder that there is always something to be grateful for. I learned to look for hidden blessings when things got rough and how to illuminate the blessings in the good times. Those are the ones to look back on when you feel down or anxious about anything.

I am excited to see what this next year will bring, and I look forward to God’s blessings and gifts. My word for 2024 is Gift (“A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great.) Proverbs 18:16 NIV. Having a passion to contribute to the community of Christians and believers brings me into the presence of God! A place I continually want to be! I have not yet found a correlating song; more is to come. 

Photo by Porapak Apichodilok on

Never being a fan of long-term goal setting, in 2024 I will do my best to enjoy every moment, which is a gift from God. I’d like to complete a sequel to Bella’s Beautiful Miracle and continue with my various ministries. I’m open to God’s call toward whatever he needs me to be or do. I hope God is content with where He has placed me and thrilled at the thought of new adventures in Christ!

I hope my writings have helped turn you toward God and nurture your walk of faith. I pray for your intentions and ask God to pour His Blessings and Gifts upon you! 

Many Thanks and Blessings for your readership!
