Praying Through Circular Thinking

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“Well, I thought,” the three most dangerous words ever to enter my thinking pattern. Any word in the dictionary could follow that phrase, and I would still end up in the same place, making assumptions without all the facts.

One of the worst possible outcomes of any situation is assumed. It holds no merit because it never existed.  Oh, how my imagination loves to cook up the most unpleasant in even the best situations! To make myself feel better, I blame it on the creativity of the writer within me. In reality, it is the dangerous swirl of circular thinking that takes me down a dark winding road.

I do admit, on many occasions, this has had a negative effect not only on my mind but my overall well-being. A hazardous place to be is in a worrying state of mind, especially when one makes a habit of focusing on the same thought consistently.

Let’s make it clear that circular thinking does not include times when something needs to be mulled over or instances which require much thought before a decision is made. I am referring to those cycles when the thought patterns repeatedly make assumptions about a resulting outcome. “Maybe if I did this, then that would happen,” or “He hasn’t responded to my email, I’m sure I’ve made him angry,” and phrases of this nature.

I’m not a professional, but I believe many factors induce this thinking pattern. Societal influences, childhood memories, or having a nervous personality, to name a few. In my younger days, in high school, I developed an undeniable fear of public speaking. This was ironic because I had been part of a choir before high school. There were even times when I sang a solo. Yet, something triggered a genuine fear, a circular thinking pattern, when speaking before my peers.

The fear was so intense that I would take a zero on an assignment, not prepare, and skip the class. I had repeated visions, all made up in my mind, that whatever I was supposed to do would be a failure.  Another aspect of circular thinking is going back over something again and again. Now, it’s too late to fix my state of mind at 16. However, at my current age, I can face fear and flourish in it.

How I reacted as a young girl is a part of who I am today, and I would not change any of it. Is the fear still there? Absolutely! However, I am old enough to see it, face it and grow because of it. Over the last several years since becoming a spiritual director, I have had to laugh at where God has taken me.  Part of my ministry has evolved in speaking engagements, putting myself on video saying prayers, and having a passion for spiritual writing.

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So, what do you do when God places your biggest fear repeatedly on your path? You pray through it and conquer it. It is through these events that I have learned to remove fear from my mindset, all with my mighty God!  I’m not perfect; after all, it was in the act of circular thinking that this post originated.

Thoughts of this nature are going to happen. It’s in knowing how to shut them down where faith and growth play a part. The only circular thinking I allow myself to remain is knowing that I am in God, and God is in me! That phrase is one I will never tire of repeating!  God is in me, and I am in God!

God…As Friend

“Someone with a bible which is falling apart, lives a life which is not.” A direct quote from a recent sermon of which I had the privilege to listen.

God’s Word can come to us in many ways. As American’s, we are blessed to freely hold in our possession God’s book of wisdom, truth and light.  Personally, I have become somewhat of a bible hoarder!  A sentimental fool of sorts, I have a new passion for leafing through bibles at antique shops. I look for hand written notes in the margin, while inhaling the scent of the aged paper. I often wonder and think about the number of blessed tears that have graced its pages. In these moments, all of these subtleties create an encounter with God.

Perhaps, the one who held the bible before had only opened it once or twice. On the other hand, it could be the opposite. Sometimes the pages are too fragile to turn and other times they are crisp and clean. Those are the times when I wonder, and ask myself, “What does God want my bible to look like?”   

“I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me,” (Philippians 4:13) a verse echoing in my heart today and bringing about thoughts of friendship.  I am going to date myself here, but when I think of God as my friend, images come to mind of somewhat historical friendships. Take for instance, Tom and Jerry; Laverne and Shirley; Laura Wilder and her lovely dog Bandit. 

These relationships portray the best of friendships however, not always glamourous or warm and fuzzy. Each also contained many instances of miscommunication, sadness, and periods of silence.  Yet, at the end of every episode, tensions were released, fences mended and their love for one another outweighed any of the turmoil.

So, now you are wondering what does all of this have to do with God and the bible, right?  Today I invite you to begin a new friendship with God. Choose one of your favorite historical friendships as a model and re-invent how you spend each day, and every moment with God. 

I invite you to begin today and ware down that bible of yours. Dust it off, pray in it.  Let your tears stain the pages. Allow your heart to feel God’s word in and through you. Don’t be afraid to write your thoughts in the margins; the space is there for a reason!

Hand Written note on Psalm 103. Written in Italian, feel free to comment if you know what it says!

Reflection moment: What does God want my bible to look like? What does my friendship with God look like? How can I strengthen my walk with God?

Are you praying with a worn out bible or have a family heirloom? I would love to hear your comments in the section below.

Many Blessings,


Courageous Butterfly

A Written Prayer

Jeremiah 30:2

“Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Write all the words which I have spoken to you in a book.”

Time spent alone with God can produce inner feelings and insights for you. Sitting with God and engaging in conversation as this happens can be very helpful on your spiritual journey. Going one step further and writing it down gives us another way to connect with God while we pray. Keeping a journal can be scary and intimidating but also a beautiful way for you to see where God is leading you in prayer.

Here’s an example of how journaling in prayer gave me a “wow” moment. I think I mentioned before that while I was recovering from shoulder surgery I had my dominant arm in a sling. This made it difficult for me to write down everything I wanted to share with God in my journal. One morning God put it on my heart to write down one important sentence on the page and then when I was able to write again I would go back, reflect and journal.

Well! Let me tell you that God must have known exactly what I was going to be feeling and all that I wanted to say. About a week ago, I flipped back to those pages, and as I reflect on what was written nearly 4 months ago, I am able to finish that one sentence seamlessly as it relates to my present moments with God. I sat in wonderment looking at two pages side by side realizing that I had journaled the same passage and felt the same about it, even though the first entry was in October.

I thought to myself, “well there was no growth there because nothing with that passage has changed internally in me”. God knew differently, and eventually so did I. The Holy Spirit whispered to my heart that this area of my life needs some work. I looked again at the two pages side by side and and knew this was something God wants me to focus on.

The subject is “self forgiveness” and it stems from a broken relationship. I have been in prayer about this for several days now and I have come to realize that I am keeping myself jailed, not physically, but emotionally and spiritually.

The fruit from my journaling and reflection on both past and present journal entries has given me a task…to surrender these feelings…forgive myself…and allow God to do the rest.

I have shared these personal feelings and insights with you because
I promised Jesus I would follow Him and make fishers of men.
I promised I would listen to Gods call even when it means being vulnerable.
I promised you all that I would stay true to you and keep it real!

So, after all that… I have one question…did you journal today?