A Belly of Butterflies…

It’s late summer/early fall and the Monarch’s are beginning their migration. Each year I look for more research on this blessed event and I’m always left in awe. It is not surprising that I am stunned yet again.  Did you know that when a Monarch migrates, a direct descendant will be the one completing the journey?  There will be several generations of the butterfly who kicked it off and the returning Monarch will be one that has never been to the original destination. This butterfly will know exactly where to fly, even stopping on the same trees and flowers.  Inquiring minds want to know how this can be; could there be an internal clock; is there GPS tracking; will the generation before leave clues; is it harnessing the powers of intuition; or is it simply winks from God?

Let’s start with the idea of GPS tracking, only because I love the image of a butterfly connecting to Google maps by way of their antenna.  There is research which tells us that the Monarch will determine where they are on the earth’s surface by using the location of the sun.   As someone who is directionally challenged, that would be very difficult for me, say on the days when the sun is hiding behind a cloud.  The monarch, however, is able to sense the position of the sun even when it hides and continues moving on the path which has been laid out for it, but how?

Before we go deeper in to the previous question, let’s dive into the internal clock or intuition.  I looked back on a post from 2012, Trusting Intuition, and my thoughts still resonate with that.  I do however, have some additional insights I would like to add.  Imagine or recall a moment when you had an extremely strong feeling, good or bad, and you could not shake it.  You felt it in your bones and it affected every sensory center within you.  Mostly likely, this caused a bodily sensation, which is often referred to as “having butterflies in the belly”.  This will then generate an outward response which can be reaction, action or nothing at all.  We can’t know what the Monarchs are experiencing internally, but we can try and determine what is causing the intuition or “butterfly in the belly” affect inside of us.

At this point you’re wondering…where is she going with this…and my answer to that is only God knows!  Not even the migrating Monarch knows the path it will travel, but God does, and the Monarch just goes, allowing God to guide.  How amazing if we could do the same!

You are right where God intended.

GPS…God’s Positioning Service, then, is the answer! The sun is the tool with which God lures the butterfly towards its intended destination and for us, we move as God winks!

In September, 2012 when I first wrote on this topic, I was learning how to trust those feelings when they arose in me and act upon them rather than argue or ignore.  Today, as I reflect back I can see that I missed out on sharing something bigger…intuition equating to God’s Will, and God’s Positioning Service is the method in which we travel along our paths. 

So, we know now that the monarch isn’t Googling it’s way, it is being led by God.   As much as I would love too, I can’t fly using the sun as a tool from God, but I know another way to utilize my GPS and that’s with prayer!

I have had many conversations with God about his will for me and too many times I wondered if I was following His lead.  I’m pretty sure the Monarch doesn’t wonder, it knows to trust and because of that trust, a miraculous event occurs. 

I encourage you, when the butterflies flutter in your tummy, to enter into dialog with God in prayer. (in the sunlight if you really want to channel your inner butterfly) In doing so, you will be in tune with God and you will soon be able to pick up on all the GPS signals God is giving you.

Fun Fact! God just so happened to wink at me today when I realized the original post I referenced on intuition, was posted almost 7 years to the date…there is no doubt in my mind that I am on the path intended by God.

Are you in tune with God’s Positioning Service in your life?  Please share in the comments.

Kimberly ~ aka Courageous Butterfly

Accepting Transformation Part 1

orangebutterflyI have had an amazing butterfly experience!  As I mentioned previously, I was able to bring home two caterpillars in the hopes of being able to be part of their transformation. I am happy to report that I was able to observe every stage, and at times I felt myself going through every change right along with them.

Exciting times when a girl gets to bring home a couple of caterpillars, and the moment I carried them through the door was the beginning of a whole new set of experiences. Little did I know, it was also the beginning of a new set of emotions as well.

It took just two days before they headed to the top of the cup and attached themselves to the lid.  It is in this spot where they would hunker down and prepare for the inevitable. Because they were in such a confined space, they really didn’t have much of a choice as to where they could go and safely transform.  Being able to hatch and release butterflies in homes or schools is something that has been going on a for a while, but it still didn’t change the fact, their environment as they knew it, had forever been changed.

I had no idea how that one movement of the caterpillars would remind me of what I experienced at the beginning of my trial.  I too was forced to hunker down in a confined space . It was not my choice; my emotions and peace of mind were not safe;  and the environment as I knew it, was about to be forever changed.

Just two days after the chrysalis was completely formed I was able to remove the lid and chrysalis2hang it in the hatching habitat.  During this process one of the chrysalis’ came loose and fell to the bottom.  I immediately reached for my instructions to find out what to do.  The instructions were to gently scoop it up with a spoon and place it on a paper towel.  It said most likely the butterfly would still be able to hatch without any damage.  Needless to say, worry was setting in.

Once I really thought about what the caterpillar may be going through, I was brought back to a moment when I was curled up in a ball in the corner of my kitchen, hoping I would come out of my experience without any damage.  

chrysalis1Once in the chrysalis the caterpillars will hatch within 7-10 days, and I made sure to keep an accurate count.  I was even able to set up a butterfly web cam so I wouldn’t miss a trick!  Guess what? I missed two tricks!  The first butterfly emerged prior to the camera being set up, this was the one at the bottom of the habitat.  I was so happy to see it had survived, that it eased my disappointment in not witnessing it.  Knowing the second one was just a day behind I stayed close by the web cam.  Just as a little kid knows when you are watching, this butterfly took a 7 minute window in the 30 minutes I had been away from the camera to come into our world.  Luckily for me the web cam took photos of movement and I was able to view it after the fact.

Excitement mounted high for me, knowing I was going to sleep that night with butterflies in my room and in the same moment, sadness set in knowing they would soon be released.  I knew all along that would be the outcome, but a part of me wanted to hang onto them forever if I could.

For a very long time I wanted to hold on to the feelings I had for my ex.  I felt sadness knowing that someday those feelings would no longer exist and a part of me wanted to cling to them.  The sane part of me knew that releasing the energy surrounding these feelings was the best thing I could do in order to heal.  Instead of holding on, I was able to finally release and let it go just as I would have to with the butterflies.

When I wrote Out of The Chrysalis; Free to Fly I thought I had fully experienced the similarities of the caterpillar during transformation.  The witness of this metamorphosis, has shown me that my book was just the beginning of fully understanding, not only the caterpillars experience, but also my own.

Stay tuned for the conclusion of the butterflies journey in my next post Accepting Transformation part 2.

Have you been able to see similarities in life situations? Please share in the comments.

Courageous Butterfly 4/27/17






Prepare for Change

photo (27) It’s official!  The butterflies are hung, I am home.  Change is good, when your prepared.  Life is amazing, unpredictable, chaotic, stressful, and full of surprises and it’s one of the reason’s I haven’t written in a while!  I never thought that something I was dreading, and nervous about could actually be a positive thing in my life.  As I write this tonight, I am sitting in a place where I never imagined I’d be, let alone be ok with it.  It’s funny how life works.  I have owned a home since 2002 and never set foot inside until two years ago, and just recently I moved in to make it MY home.

The past couple of months leading up to the move were filled with doubt and most of all fear.  I have learned to trust my intuition so it wasn’t the decision I was doubting, it was whether or not I was strong enough to handle living with it.  This change was the right one for me  financially and for my family.  We were quite cramped in my two bedroom condo, teenagers look like giants in that space!  I knew I was doing it for the right reasons, I just wasn’t so sure I could handle the emotional side of it.  The house brought back some very painful memories of my divorce and I had been anticipating a lot of tears once I moved in.

I had even planned to sit and write an award-winning blog post on that night.   I just knew the words would fall off my fingertips along with the tears down my cheek.  I kept telling myself… “for tonight, just cry”.  (I’d been listening to a lot of Mandisa, link below) Well to my surprise I did not shed any tears that first night or any night since!  In preparing for this move I made sure that every room had my touch, things that needed to be removed were removed, items that needed to be changed were changed, and the house is now all ME.

I have learned that no matter how scary change may be, preparation is the key.  I know things would have been a lot different that night if I had not made changes prior to moving in, but because I did I was able to do it without any emotional scars.  We all know that you can get through things a lot easier in life if we are prepared, it also holds true with our emotions.

I’ve become very close friends with my emotions over the past few years and I knew in my heart, mind and soul what I needed to get me through this, I just didn’t think it would actually work!  As I settle in I’m finding out that I am going to be ok here and I”m reminded so much of what the caterpillar must feel like once it enters the chrysalis and realizes it’s going to be there for a while.  I’m in mine right now, it is in this place where I will grow the strongest I have ever been.  I know this because it took all the courage I could muster up just to move in.  I faced it, I did it and I conquered.

I’m here now to learn more about who I am and to grow.  As I get to know the different rooms in the home I become changed, empowered and strong.  It may sound funny but I think the house and I needed each other.  In a sense I am healing the home one little improvement at a time, and in return it is healing my heart by showing me just how strong I really am and in a way it is loving me back.  Where the butterflies land….is home.photo (28)

Be a strong caterpillar, don’t fear change embrace it! Have you conquered change?  Comment below.


Courageous Butterfly


Related Links/Blogs

Under the Tuscan Sun

Just Cry, Mandisa

The Winds of Change, Forever Poetic

When it Changes, Thoughts from Hazel